Love Readings!

Available through the end of February, these four readings are now available to help with the best and greatest part of life: LOVE! Whether you’re in a long-term relationship, have something new happening, or are simply looking to help find love for yourself, you’ll find insight here to help you cultivate LOVE!

All Tarot readings are delivered as a photo of your spread, along with an audio recording. All readings will be delivered within 10 business days of receipt of your order, and feel free to order more than one reading or even gift them to others.

If you do gift these readings, include who the readings are for in the note section during checkout and the email address of whom you’d like them sent!

"Tarot for Two" Tarot Reading

The “Tarot for Two” Tarot reading is designed to help couples shake things up a bit! Created with the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck, along with the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot from artist Matt Hughes, this spread is designed to help two people gain better insight into where they’re at in their relationship. This spread helps couples lean into the idea that there are “two sides to every story,” and helps each partner honor the experiences and perceptions of the other. This spread is ideal when both partners are willing to be very honest with each other in hopes of strengthening and improving their relationship! This reading will include a picture of your spread and an audio reading at least 20 minutes in length.

Reading will be provided within 10 business days of purchase, available through the end of February only.

"Making Love Better" Tarot Reading

The “Making Love Better” Tarot Spread helps any long-term, committed relationship no matter what circumstances and situations two people face together. As anyone in a long-term relationship knows, they take work and attention! Whether your relationship is going through a rough patch, your relationship is stable (with a chance of becoming stagnant), or you’re facing lots of changes together, this spread is designed to help find clarity and direction. This reading is specific to this moment in time and will help you gain insight into where your love life is, where it’s been, and how you can help nourish it in the future! This reading will include a picture of your spread and an audio reading at least 15 minutes in length.

Reading will be provided within 10 business days of purchase, available through the end of February only.

"The Bouquet of Love" Tarot Reading

The Bouquet of Love helps to illuminate a romantic relationship. Inspired by the act of giving flowers in the Victorian Era to communicate one’s feelings that would have otherwise been taboo to communicate openly. This spread helps to illuminate the strengths and challenges of any given relationship, along with advice that will help to strengthen the relationship! This reading will include a picture of your spread and an audio reading at least 15 minutes in length.

Reading will be provided within 10 business days of purchase, available through the end of February only.

"Love Thyself and the Rest Will Follow" Tarot Reading

A 7-card Tarot reading meant to provide you with insight into all the characteristics you hold that make you so loveable. When you’re feeling down, when you’re suffering from low self-esteem, this reading is meant to help you refocus on what makes you…you. While specific to where you are at this moment, this reading would be great to revisit often. This reading will include a picture of your 7-card spread and an audio reading at least 15 minutes in length.

Reading will be provided within 10 business of purchase, available through the end of February only.