Join me for “Angel Speak” - A Special Holiday Spirit Gallery at the Littleton Opera House on December 23rd!

Where: The LittletonOpera House

2 Union Street, Littleton, NH

When: Saturday, December 23rd, 2023

Time: Doors Open at 6 pm

Spirit Gallery Reading 6:30 pm

Cost: $25/person

Over the years as a psychic medium, I’ve discovered that some messages don’t just come from our Dearly Departed, but from the greater group of Spirits most of us would call “Angels.” On Saturday, December 23rd, I’ll share the very first spirit gallery of this type, where I am called to share messages from the Angels who work with me.

Each person who receives a reading over the evening will also receive a four-leaf clover charm as a reminder of our time together!

After the show, I’ll be hosting a book signing of my books, including my new release WHEN WE DIE WE COME UP FOR AIR!”

This event will happen after the Mistletoe Market, from 11 am to 4 pm, at the Littleton Opera House! See for more information!

Purchase your tickets to “Angel Speak” here:

(and please note, there are no physical tickets, just give your name at the door)


What can you expect during “Angel Speak”?


During this special holiday spirit gallery, I’ll begin with a short description of my story, and then I’ll share how I’ve come to know these Spirits, what they mean to me, and what their messages are for us at large. I’ll share experience, history, mythology, and more to paint a larger story that I promise you won’t expect.

Then, I’ll spend the rest of the evening being led to certain audience members, building a larger story of love and hope, weaving together themes, experiences, and circumstances to which everyone will find themselves relating.

A group reading like this aims to provide evidence that certain greater Spirits are with us, have our best interest in mind, and love us beyond measure. Just like my Spirit Galleries, where I focus on the Dearly Departed, we’ll experience how love - and Spirit - never dies while being joyful, fun, and full of love.

I take this work very seriously, though you’ll find I don’t take myself too seriously, hoping to bring laughter, love, and spiritual connection to those in attendance.

While I won’t have time to read everyone in the audience, everyone will benefit from the wisdom, love, insight, and laughter Spirit - and the Angels - provides!

Please note:

  • General Admission.

  • All ticket sales are final.

  • Audio and video recordings are allowed.

  • All attendees must be 12 years and older.

  • Buy your tickets here and provide your name at the door when you arrive.

  • Attendance at this event does not guarantee a reading.

  • Please note that your receipt will indicate a purchase from “Deep Earth Arts,” our studio space in Littleton, NH (

  • The legal beagles require me to let everyone know that all readings are provided as entertainment only, and participating in this event indicates you understand this.

And finally, see what your friends and neighbors say about spending time with Josh!